Last month, I decided to take part in Camp NaNoWriMo for the first time. It was an exhausting endeavour but it was made easier by my "cabin" of fellow writers who, despite being complete strangers, encouraged each other to meet their targets.
With a mighty last minute push, I managed to meet my personal target of 30,000 words. Quite the accomplishment with the usual work and family life juggling that usually makes my monthly word count a third or less than that.
For me, Camp NaNoWriMo was completely worth it and would have been useful even if I hadn't made my goal at the very last moment (too late, it turned out, to even remember to validate my winner status). While I didn't meet my secondary goal of finishing one or more of my current romance works-in-progress, I made some major strides in several of them and I edited what I have completed so far of another project so I can (almost) jump back into that when I'm ready.
I would recommend Camp NaNoWriMo to every writer because you can set your own goals and, more importantly, focus on your writing. Too many distractions in too many months (and days) can lead to you forgetting what you love about writing (or simply just how much you love it) and the camp brings that back to the forefront.
See you at the next Camp in July!