Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Day on the Links: Writing Prompts Edition

Let's face it: everyone gets stuck sometimes with their writing.  Maybe you're having a bad day at work and the last thing you want to do when you get home (on top of the chores and family obligations) is sit down in front of a computer and work on your novel.  Because, at those times, it's work, just like anything you do at your day job.

Other times, you've got the time and the energy but you find yourself floundering for ideas or unsure of where to start with the idea you've been wanting to write.  You freeze.  You panic.  If you sit in front of the blank computer screen any longer, you'll go crazy.


I subscribe to the belief that a little creative writing goes a long way.  Even if you've got a few minutes only or you're stuck in front of a blank page, you can write something.  Here are some writing prompt links that will get some words on that page.

Writing Prompts: Writer's Digest is the only writing magazine a subscribe to and I have been a subscriber for many years.  It has something for everyone, including writing prompts every month in their print magazine.  But if you're stuck for quick inspiration right now, check out their paragraph-long writing prompts which ask for a short response (750 words or less).  Not a ton of writing, by any means.  And it gets that stupid cursor to stop blinking at you. (From Writer's Digest website)

Prompt Generator: Who doesn't like pushing a button?  Especially when it says "random" on it.  This is a fun and easy prompt generator from an American school district that's aimed at school children but can work for anyone who is a child at heart.  Prompts can be as simple as asking you to write about a past event in your life to writing a story about taking a shortcut through a cemetery.  They may not add up to great literary writing but once you've created a paragraph or two, you may find it easy to switch to one of your manuscripts and add a page there as well.

Random Logline Generator:  Stuck for an idea for your next story?  Try one of these pre-made taglines (or loglines, as the site calls them).  Write a short short story (under 250 words) for one of the topics suggested.  Just remember that if you get it published, the website's author requests that you give him a shout out.  Some are just plain funny while others have some real potential.  So click away.

Bonus link:

Random Romance Novel Title Generator: Okay, so romance novel titles are pretty funny.  This site will give you a bunch of titles to play around with.  Try writing the hook to the story suggested by the title, or just a few opening lines.  Let your imagination run wild!  If nothing else, the titles suggested will give you a giggle.

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