This past weekend, I spent most of my free time engaging in that most pleasurable of activities…creative writing. I am in the middle of a short story/ novella for a call for submissions by a romance publisher. Unfortunately, when I noted down the deadline for this call for submissions, I gave myself two extra weeks, so a few weeks ago I realized the real deadline—which is the first day of July—and I set to work with a much reduced work schedule ahead of me. A daunting task.
On the good side, I started out writing my erotic romance story with considerable momentum and already had several thousand words written. Over this past weekend, I added another five thousand or so words (10 pages on Saturday and 5 pages on Sunday).
I’m now more than halfway through my story (8,500 words completed, with a guideline of 15,000 to 20,000 words to work with). I am psyched! And most of all, even with the tight deadline, I’m wholeheartedly enjoying the writing process. Maybe it’s the new subgenre or the theme of the submission itself: Angels and Demons. Who doesn’t like a great topic like that to write about?
My plan for the next few weeks is as follows: This week (including the weekend), I intend to finish my first draft. I will be editing, revising and polishing next week. The deadline is July 1st, which is a national holiday (Canada Day). I intend to have my story traveling through cyberspace on that morning. Happy Canada Day to me!
Photo courtesy of luigi diamanti at
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