Monday, September 05, 2011

Journey to My First Romance Publication

This is my first blog post in over a month and I am pleased to share a bit of good news that has kept me occupied for that period of time...I have had my first romance short story accepted for publication!

I am thrilled!  And busy!

When I last left this blog, I was deep into the process of preparing and editing my short story for submission into the Total-E-Bound erotic romance call for submissions.  This was, in fact, my very first attempt at writing an erotic romance story, a task I struggled with.

Apparently, I succeeded.

I received a request to make revisions to my story late in July and, after a few weeks of revisions, I resubmitted the story and had it accepted for publication.  I am now in the process of signing forms, giving some input into the cover art process(!), etc.

But, never fear, I will be back on these pages to chart my journey towards this first erotic romance submission, revision process, and acceptance.  I want to share my good fortune with everyone out there and remind you all that success is possible if you just keep at it.  Okay, I will stop myself from breaking into song.

(PS: I am now working on my second erotic romance story...I will keep you posted on that as well).

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Nan!!!
    Fingers crossed for more and more published stories - long, short, romance and hotter
