Monday, July 11, 2011

Fav 5 - Free Romance E-Books

I'm a voracious reader, so much so that I often have a huge stockpile of books waiting to be read just in case I can't find the time to run to my nearest bookstore.  (Yes, I still purchase hard copy books from a physical store.)

But why spend money on a good book when they can also be had for free?

Think about it: some of your favourite romance publishers want to both keep you as a reader and to woo a new audience, so they offer free e-books to lure you in.

Hey, it works!

Harlequin:  I was raised on Harlequin/ Mills and Boon so I still harbour a soft spot for their books.  I am both amazed and impressed by how many of my favourite romance authors (subject, no doubt, of a future post) are still producing incredible works!  I remember some of these names from twenty or so years ago.  Try some of these authors for free and you too will be hooked.  I promise.

Smashwords: This site has a large selection of lower priced and free ebooks, including pages of romance novels.  The selections feature reader reviews (out of 5 stars) and a "prude filter" to allow you to check out only novels that conform to your desired level of heat.  Well worth the perusal.

All Romance Books:  For tons of variety and more spicy reads, try out this website.  Just keep in mind that you have to go through a sales-type transaction even for the free reads -- it's just that your cart will show $0 owing.  That means you also have to create an account for the site.  Well worth the effort.

Public Book Shelf:  Looking for romance classics as well as the newer stuff?  Try out this site which offers titles from Jane Eyre to Married to a Rock Star.  Much emphasis, however, is on classics and historicals so check it out if you have a hankering for a romance set in the olden days.

The Wild Rose Press: A decent variety of free reads is available from this romance publisher who offers everything in the romance genre from young adult to paranormal.  For hotter reads, check out the Wilder Roses for another helping of freebies.


  1. thanks for this sharing, Nan! You should also try out all you can books website! This site really has a large selection of lower priced e-books. You can also find here many romance e-books.

  2. Thanks for the tip, Kim! I'm always on the prowl for cheap books so I will definitely check it out.
